John Trimble on “Who owns the main responsibility for demand creation in today’s world, corporate or the salesperson?”
Scanning Margins: Irene Price and Leah lead a discussion on coping with higher labor costs while scanning pricing falls.
Brian Kopack and Paul Engel lead a discussion on: What does modern project costing now have to accommodate?
Kevin D’Arcy on what to look for in an internet marketing partner.
Cocktail Party and Dinner
Sunday, October 15th
Cannibals in our midst: Mario Duckett leads a discussion beginning with his insights on OpenText acquiring EMC and Hyland acquiring Perceptive.
Bob Chamberlain and Dennis Kempner on the five things they would ask you to be hyper-aware of when selling your company.
“Product” can be the enemy as it is easy to sign up but a massive commitment to train sales and service. But great new products do emerge. Two roundtable questions:
Who in your organization vets new products and decides yes or no?
What new product – some mythical great new offering – would fill the biggest hole in your solution set if it did magically appear? Is it new functionality, is it price point? Connectivity?