Member interaction and information sharing
Special thanks to Paul Engel who did a great presentation on how to recoup and show value for pre and post-sale Professional Services; thanks to Mario Duckett for his presentations on the on-going ECM mergers as well as ensuring the correct balance of your top ten accounts compared to total revenue; contributions from newest member, Brant Rathe, attending his first meeting were timely and very well received, Sarah Whitwer from Upland, Tim Osborn from OPEX and Steve Thomas and Matt Cornell from NewWave and, never leaving out, Josh Bird and Kelly Garvey from Kodak . The new names form our vendor partners provided some special insight into issues as seen from the “other” side.
Finally, on the thank you side, to George Brookman who began the conference with a very personal tribute to one of the founding members of IIMDA, Bob Gilliam – in spite of many years of intimate conversation with Bob and Maree, I think most of us learned some new things about Bob’s marvelous life – from musician and composer to family and community to consummately successful business person. We will continue to miss his gentlemanly dry
Canada continues to be both a wonderful destination for meetings as well as a great value.
IIMDA Spring Meeting 2018
The location is Denver, CO, the dates are April 27-29, 2018. Please calendar that now.
The IIMDA Board
A big thank you to Leah Swartzbaugh who just came off the Board after several years of service – everyone is very appreciative of Leah’s effort and commitment to IIMDA. She is always at her best, whether with a pen or martini in hand.
Kevin D’Arcy is joining the Board to replace Terry Fisher. The Board is also reducing its size to four members plus the Executive Director which is appropriate right sizing. Kevin has presented an initiative to more efficiently secure member feedback, suggestions for future presentations and discussion topics – more about that very soon.
You, our valued members – member companies and vendor partners
Discussed at the meeting again was the fact that each IIMDA member needs to continually seek out potential companies that will elevate the membership of IIMDA, candidates who can specifically enhance the information exchange and discourse at every meeting. This is the value proposition that is IIMDA. We could add ten companies tomorrow that would love to join but we need to ensure that we can learn from them as they will learn from us. Our newest members are perfect examples of this and these additions must continue. We need your help – any suggestions for candidates please refer to any Board member.
Closing this rather wordy summary, please also consider the need to critique the meeting we just concluded and to present topics of interest for our next meeting. We are looking for meaningful topics and ideas from all members, companies and vendor partners – we all have a unique perspective.