Letter From the President – Mario Duckett
This is a great time to be in the business of Content Services and Outsourcing. Process improvement initiatives are at an all-time high at all sized organizations and the solutions our members offer to the market are positioned perfectly to help.
We must, however, recognize that the market, and the solutions being offered, are changing at light speed. Just two years ago RPA was a buzzword concept and now the global Robotic Process Automation market is expected to reach $3.11B by 2025. The need to be current on developing technologies has never been greater.
The unwavering IIMDA mission is to promote insight and a “safe space” information exchange to help our members thrive in an ever-changing industry.
Your board’s commitment to ensuring that the value of IIMDA continues to grow is now focused on both bringing new members, both regular and partner-sponsors, into the organization. The board has two critical criteria when considering membership:
- Can the prospective member contribute meaningful content to IIMDA? Can we learn from them?
- Does the prospective member share the core values of the IIMDA?
As the world of commerce is no longer “territory” based, the consideration of an existing member’s location can no longer be a basis for exclusion. That equation no longer functions to the benefit of the group. Currently, IIMDA has very valuable, contributing members who sell nationally or are being acquired by larger organizations. Simply put, we are not going to cut off our nose to spite our face. Clearly, we must continue to seek out new organizations to join IIMDA based on content and character, new members that IIMDA can learn from. That is the sole currency.
Moving into the role as president of IIMDA is an honor and I thank you for this opportunity to serve. However, I could not do this alone. The Board Members Matt Solomon, Brant Rathe and Kevin D’Arcy are a great team to work with – and no words could describe the gratitude that we have for our Executive Director, Bob Chamberlain, whose dedication and many hours working with venues, allow us to enjoy where we meet as much as why we meet.
Finally, I would like to personally thank John Trimble for mentoring me within this group from my first IIMDA meeting right up through becoming president. I have extremely big shoes to fill following John, but with your help, I am confident IIMDA will continue to be the must-attend event of the year.
Mario Duckett
Board President