2022 Fall Meeting Recap

Two to three things.

That’s all it takes.

If you can walk away from an IIMDA meeting with two or three things to help improve your business, that’s all you need.

The hard part for those who attended the Fall 2022 meeting was choosing ONLY two or three things.

Meeting Agenda

This past week we had experts share their insights and unique ideas to help one another grow better. Some of the key agenda items included:

  • Cyber security and to secure your business from ransomware attacks
  • Collective lead generation programs
  • Benchmarks for BPO businesses
  • Things that work
  • Future shock: Hybrid Work

Some Thoughts from the Board

“Our clients (and future clients) need us now more than ever to automate traditionally manual processes, and we must take advantage of the need and available funds (via grants). There is a TON of opportunity for us to grow our business NOW.

As business owners, we must ALWAYS follow ‘the cheese’ and lead our teams to maximize our growth in our prospective markets. If we don’t, we are letting down our employees by stepping over the opportunities.

As a result, we are going to see more growth while creating a more efficient work environment while mitigating risk.”

Matt Solomon

“As business owners we must be ever vigilant in our process to protect our business from the constant attacks on our technology infrastructure thereby protecting our customers, employees and vendors. 

It is also very clear that the workplace of the past is no more. That we must embrace the future shock of how our customers, vendors and our businesses are impacted by the new workplace of remote workers..”

Jeff Loreaux

“The key takeaway from me is that the industry is evolving, and we as service providers need to evolve with it otherwise, our organizations will not exist or be relevant in the future.”
Ron Thompson Jr.


New Faces to the Board

At this meeting, elections were held and are proud to welcome Ron Thomspson Jr. from Konica Minolta as our newest board member. This is Ron’s second tenure on the Board, and he takes the seat of the outgoing Mario Duckett.

Spring 2022 Meeting

This is a friendly reminder that the Spring IIMDA meeting will be in Nashville, TN, on April 12th-14th. Keep an eye on your inbox for booking information.

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